
First Post - Dearly Departed

I sit here now typing this in my Drama class, it is a class with all freshman and me; the only senior. I was supposed to be put in a higher level class so I could do tech work but the school schedules screwed up. But its fine, I have quite a bit of fun screwing with the freshman. Right now the class is reading the play Dearly Departed. I am supposed to have a part too, but my part is not until farther into the script, so I am sitting here typing right behind a couch full of freshman reading a show. It’s amazing how none of them have noticed. Next I have English with Mr. Hazard, it’s a fun class but Hazard believes in complicated long answers to questions, not the short A B C we have been trained to do. I do like the higher level thinking but at the end of the day it just seems like too much work. Than I can jump in my car and drive home. That’s my one consolation this year, I get to drive to and from school.
I just read my part of the show, and now I’m back to here typing. I wonder how offend I will actually remember to log in and type up something for this. I also and trying to settle on a design for this page, if your reading this please post a comment on how it turned out.

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