Hanging Rock State Park's main attraction is a very large rock feature hanging off the side of a mountain. Below are a few pictures I found online of Hanging Rock. It is quite larger and more impressive than the pictures lead you to believe. (click for larger)
Now after hiking all the way to the base, I was awed by standing under a few thousand tons of rock hanging a few hundred feet above me. Than I hiked all the way to the top. After catching my breath I walked all over the rock structure, which stretched a few hundred feet back onto the mountain. I ate lunch and wandered more over the overhanging part. I found a small opening where a large flat rock had fallen over a few others, I poked my head in to investigate and discovered a cave. Once I wormed my way in I found enough room to comfortably sit in, with an opening looking out the other face of the rock structure, Their was also a narrow area leading up to another opening; I crawled up their (banging my knees and elbows quite a few times, I need to lose some weight). I found the other opening looked right out onto another small mountain, making for the perfect picture; which I posted below. One of the pics has a member of my group in their to show size perspective, I think he is around 5'4" or something; you short people all look alike to me. (Click to enlarge)
We also followed a ridge line to wolf's rock where I took this pic of me posing.
Than me being Atlas and holding a giant rock on my shoulders.
All and all, a fun trip. I recommend Hanging Rock as a good state park to stop off at. Thus concludes my few minutes of typing, until next time; Capitan Obvious away!
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