So along time ago I rescued my dads 21 or so year old stero system. What’s left is the original amplifier, the tuner, and phonograph. The tape deck is dead. I set up the system with a large FM radio antenna and some small 8 ohm speakers. I later added a tie in for my mp3 player. Well that set up was fine and good, but I always enjoyed the sound of some large speakers with subwoofers that shake the whole room. But for a while I was content. But recently I have felt the urge to hear my Boston and Doobie Brothers in their loud and right form. So I ventured to my local Goodwill (my major supplier of things I want cheep) and found a set of very nice 8 ohms. I spent a few minutes wiring them in to the secondary channel, and I was off. There is something about large speakers that allows them to sound loud and deep without sounding like they are trying hard. Right now I am leaning back, with Boston playing loudly and crisply; annoying my parents and watching the end of Star Trek.
Life is good.
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