It’s been a while and I need to post an update post, but that’s boring. So I got one of them to do later. For now I have a random and unlikely topic to blab on.
I came home today to find piles of rosemary branches on my driveway, now to any one else this would mean my dad has killed the rosemary bush and thrown it all away. But to me, it means the bush just got a trim, there is no way he could have cut down our massively large rosemary bush in one day. Well I had been meaning to root some more rosemary for some people, so I decided to root a few of the branches my dad was throwing out.
The first thing I needed was something to put the branch in soaking in water so it will grow roots, I normally used glass jars, but I didn’t have any so after a few minutes of searching I found a large number of deer park water bottles. By cutting the tops off and inverting them back down into the bottle I created the perfect rosemary holder. I made four of theses and put two sprigs in each one and placed them on my windowsill than held them in place with some spring clips. Hopefully they will root in a few weeks and I can give them away.