
Great ...

So with all this rain the ground is saturated and the water table is rising, unfortunately the water that flows underground hits one of the walls to the crawl space under my house, which in turn works into the crawlspace. In short the area under my house is flooding. And when this happens who's job is it to crawl down there in the water and set up the electric pump? Mine!

But hey, life's not all bad. I found out I have one reader! She even commented once! And thats why I love her. So if their are any more of you out there, comment.


8 Ohm Wonder

So along time ago I rescued my dads 21 or so year old stero system. What’s left is the original amplifier, the tuner, and phonograph. The tape deck is dead. I set up the system with a large FM radio antenna and some small 8 ohm speakers. I later added a tie in for my mp3 player. Well that set up was fine and good, but I always enjoyed the sound of some large speakers with subwoofers that shake the whole room. But for a while I was content. But recently I have felt the urge to hear my Boston and Doobie Brothers in their loud and right form. So I ventured to my local Goodwill (my major supplier of things I want cheep) and found a set of very nice 8 ohms. I spent a few minutes wiring them in to the secondary channel, and I was off. There is something about large speakers that allows them to sound loud and deep without sounding like they are trying hard. Right now I am leaning back, with Boston playing loudly and crisply; annoying my parents and watching the end of Star Trek.

Life is good.


So Yea...

If you haven’t noticed, (and I know no one reads this so I know no one noticed) I haven’t posted at all recently. Why? Because I am a lazy slacker and don’t do much of anything online that requires typing. I aim to change this, so I might post a bit some. Hey what do you know? I might even say something interesting. If you non-existent readers have anything you want to read about email me or leave a comment and I will write about it. Email to: wesjansonni (at) hotmail.com

(in your face spambots! Try and email to that without the @)